Document Object Model(Objects)

Document Object Model(Objects)

Key difference between properties and methods of object(element)

  • Document object model contains elements in the form of objects.

  • Objects are categorized into two different parts

  1. Properties

  2. Methods

  • Let's take an example of a bus, so Imagine a picture of a bus. It has 4 tyres, 2 doors, it has some colour for example (green), it has a certain no of seats (70) etc.

  • All parameters given above are the (Properties) of the object called bus.

  • Let's take an example of the same bus, so Imagine a picture of a bus that is moving on a road from point A to B, applying breaks while stopping, accelerating again to gain speed, parked at a parking lot etc.

  • All parameters given above are the (Methods) of the object called bus.

  • Accessing (Properties) and (Objects) are common, we can access them using "." dot symbol.

  • Example - bus.color; (get property)

  • Example - bus.numberofDoors=0; (set property)

  • But the difference comes in when we assign values to properties called as (Set Property) and when we can take arguments in the called function.

  • Example -; (call method)

  • Example - bus.brake(); (call method)